Mastering Audio: The Chief Audio Officer Buying Guide

This week on the Media Roundtable: Special Edition, we’re diving into the news and highlighting an all-star panel from our recent inaugural Chief Audio Officer Summit.

Hosting is Oxford Road’s Founder and CEO Dan Granger, joined by fellow Oxford Road experts Neal Lucey, Spencer Semonson and Stew Redwine (fresh from his appearance on Podscribe’s Make Better podcast). And joining us again, now from his mobile sound studio, is the ever-insightful James Cridland (Podnews, Podcast Business Journal).

“There isn’t a type of audio that doesn’t work for us, it all works for us. Fair enough, some types of audio took us longer to figure out to unlock. But, in order for us to be at the scale we’re at we had to get that to work because the reality is our customers were there. They were responsive, so we needed to be there.”

- Kezia Koo, Senior Director of Growth Marketing at Indeed

Fake Endorsements, Real Scams 🕵️- If they’re copying you, you must be doing something right, right?. Scammers are pretending to be podcasters (sharing fake clips of them talking on famous podcasts) in order to shill for products. 

Patreon X Spotify 🤝- Patreon podcast feeds can now be integrated into Spotify. There’s no financial play yet, but there could be in the future, and it’s another step Spotify’s taking to solidify and grow market share no matter what.

Listen Up ↗️- Podcasts are now 10% of listening time, up from 5% in 2020. Also checking in on radio, “the slowly melting ice cube.”

Chief Audio Officer Summit Recap:

For the second part of the episode, get ready to be the smartest person in the room when it comes to buying audio as we recap some of the highlights from our recent CAO Summit. Kezia Koo (Senior Director of Growth Marketing, Indeed), Mei He (GVP of Digital Marketing at Netsuite/Oracle), Eliza Davis (Director of Growth, Offline Marketing, Babbel), Miranda Romano (VP of Media Operations, Oxford Road) team up to share the hard-earned questions you should be asking before you spend money to land in your customers’ ears.

Guided by Oxford Road President Steven Abraham, the team covers:

  • When you need to have budget on hand to act fast (and how much)

  • Proof that audio is currently a buyer’s market

  • How to work with hundreds of partners when everyone has their own way of operating

  • Why you can’t cancel your way to optimization 

To cure your FOMO and get an invite to the next CAO Summit, email us at And for insights you won’t get anywhere else, check out the whole episode here.

Bianca Gorodinsky