Measuring Success: CAO Summit Live Panel on Navigating Audio Attribution

If you're an audio advertiser, this week's podcast may be the most relevant episode we've ever had. As we continue to highlight our favorite sessions from this summer's Chief Audio Officer Summit, this week we're excited to share one of the most dynamic discussions of the event: the Attribution Panel. Regular listeners to the podcast know the team at Oxford Road has some BIG thoughts on attribution. This panel was the perfect way to expand the conversation by bringing in some of our expert CAO partners.

“Sometimes simpler is better, even though it doesn't make you feel as smart.”

– Paul Hillen, VP, Performance Marketing, SKIMS

Our very own Giles Martin (EVP, Strategy & Insights, Oxford Road) moderates the panel of audio attribution veterans including; Paul Hillen (VP, Performance Marketing, SKIMS), Vanessa Stark (Senior Marketing Manager, Performance Marketing, Instacart), and Jessica Tennant (SVP of eCommerce, Hello Bello). They're some of the best in knowing what their audio ad dollars are up to, so let's see what they're doing right–and where they could do better. 

  • Remember to Sell Internally 🤝 – As marketers, we sell to consumers all the time, but selling to stakeholders? Not so much, yet it's so important. Whether you're talking to a longtime marketer or a novice, we have tips on how to structure the conversation to make your audio sing.

  • Triangulate Everything 🔎 – Is there a perfect data point? No. But mixing together post surveys, vanity URLs, promo codes, and more can go a long way to help you (and your stakeholders) feel confident you're moving in the right direction. Our marketers share their approaches (and yup, they're all different).

  • Focus on Incrementality 📈 – At the end of the day, marketers are just trying to answer the question, "What did this investment do for our brand?" Our experts break down some of their favorite ways to conduct incrementality tests (scale the channel and keep everything else steady, then check CPA) and caveats (if your incrementality test is a year old, it might be time to refresh).

  • Flexible Measurement, Greater Reach 💪 – If there's only one kind of data you trust (like IP matching), you're going to get shut out from some opportunities. But if you have multiple paths to getting a signal that's good enough for decision-making, you can have your pick of testing options.

  • Patience, Patience 🧘 – In an environment where we need to drive results this quarter, how much runway can we give our audio? Navigate top-of-funnel vs. bottom-of-funnel audio with us, and the benefits of nurturing customer relationships without over-dependence on deep discount promo codes.

While we can't promise listening to this week's show will solve all of your attribution woes, we can promise you'll come away with more tools to help you get closer to the truth. Click below for the whole episode.

Bianca Gorodinsky