Voicing Trust: Chief Audio Officer Summit Live Panel on Creative

We have an abundance of audio riches for you this week. First up, we revisit one of our favorite sessions from the Chief Audio Officer Summit - the blockbuster creative panel. Our very own Stew Redwine moderates with CAOs Jess Jacobs (Shopify), Shane Pittson (quip), and Margaux Natiello (Athletic Greens). You’ve absolutely heard their ads, and more likely than not, you may be a customer of one of these Podcast Pioneers. Tune in to hear the all-star panel break down their all time creative hits and add to your CAO toolbelt. 

“What’s so beautiful about audio to me is that it’s inefficient intimacy.”

– Stew Redwine, VP Creative Services, Oxford Road 

  • Start Where You Are 🚦– You don’t need to create your sonic logo from scratch – you might’ve already done it. The now ubiquitous Shopify Cha-Ching started with the team mining the company’s existing audio assets and finding a mother lode of positive associations. The rest is history.

  • Plan for Risks ⚠️ – When you advertise on as many podcasts as quip does, at some point, you’re bound to run into some controversy. This is where CAO’s have to fight ‘immediate reaction’ instincts.  The panel discusses how to set a plan beforehand, so you know what your next move is and next steps will be. (if you need help setting a plan, reach out!)

  • Empowering Hosts 📞 – Learn why a 15-minute onboarding call with every host should be mandatory, just like Athletic Greens requires. These calls aren't just prep. They empower hosts to speak more freely in their ads, create a deeper connection between the host and your company, and set the trajectory for a successful podcast campaign. The panel shares their best practices on how to make the most of this valuable onboarding time with hosts.

  • Turning Setbacks into Success 🪥 – Earlier this year, quip jumped at the opportunity to sponsor the New Heights podcast with NFL brothers Jason Kelce and Travis Kelce, just before they faced off in the Super Bowl. quip felt it was the perfect time to do a competition based integration with the uber competitive Kelce brothers. However, when the campaign first dropped and fell short of expectations, quip stayed the course. With clear communication and out-of-the-box thinking, they transformed the opportunity into a super memorable moment, exceeding the client’s performance goals.

We’re just scratching the surface here. Tune in for a 101 year old radio ad, an exciting round of “guess that jingle,” and everything you need to ensure your next audio creative inspires action. Click below to listen to the whole episode.

Bianca Gorodinsky