Why Digital Audio Deserves More Attention?

In this episode of the Media Roundtable, we're joined by a very special guest, Larry Rosin (President, Edison Research). If you've been following us, you know that Edison Research has been on the cutting edge of audio insights, and we’re nothing if not data-driven. What’s the data telling us this week? That audio, especially digital audio, doesn’t get the respect it deserves. Our hot take? Listeners and advertisers should be glad that it doesn’t.

Oxford Road founder and CEO Dan Granger and fellow Oxford Road luminaries Neal Lucey, James Ingrassia, and Miranda Romano. Let’s dig in.

  • On-Demand Demands More Ears 👂– On-Demand Listening surpassed Linear Audio in 2023. It's a long-coming shift in the audio landscape, accelerated by the pandemic–and it mirrors the change for video. This doesn’t mean these ears are unreachable, but it raises the bar for ad relevancy and interest since advertisers are interrupting a lean-forward audience.

  • Podcasting Milestone 🥳 – Podcasting now claims 10% of listening time. Even so, there’s an underinvestment in ad spend for podcasting relative to listening habits. That doesn’t make it a free lunch, but with lower ad loads and higher host trust, digital audio is still a great value meal for advertisers and listeners.

  • AI-Influencers 🤖 – Remember that host trust we’ve been toting? Well, AI host-read ads are on the horizon, and with them, the question of authenticity. Benefits: Unmatched efficiency. Downsides: Are we turning the golden goose into a cyborg? Listener preferences for host-endorsed products suggest authenticity still matters. We’ll see if robo-hosts can make real recommendations. 

 “All of Audio is underfunded.”

Larry Rosin, President of Edison Research

So, what would happen if “Audio” got the investment it deserved? As the industry makes room for more ad dollars, we’re pulling up the cautionary tale of radio. Unrestrained ads compromise the listening experience, and we’d lose the magic we’ve come to expect from intimate host reads. The position shouldn’t just be “Audio’s underfunded, so let’s increase ad investment,” instead, “How can we be sure we’re investing in audio that makes it an amazing investment for decades to come?”

Dive in with us and develop your hot takes from these Edison Research insights, which absolutely deserve a spot in any Chief Audio Officer’s toolbelt. For full breakdowns of these stories and a whole lot more, tune in to the full episode by clicking the link below.

Bianca Gorodinsky