Ad Infinitum Ep. 6 "Why Now" featuring Amanda DiMarco

We hope you’re stocking up on holiday cheer and doing your last minute shopping because the season’s almost over! Why are we inciting panic? Because it’s time to talk about ads and scarcity.

That’s right, the world’s only podcast solely dedicated to audio ads is back with a special edition–a very limited-time offer! We’re covering the Audiolytics™ key components of offer, scarcity, and path. Presenting Ad Infinitum Episode 6 - “Why Now?”

Host Stew Redwine (Oxford Road’s VP of Creative Services) welcomes Amanda DiMarco, VP of Client Success at Veritonic, who has unparalleled expertise in understanding why people do (and don’t) act after hearing audio ads.

“At the end of the day, the consumer wants to have a perceived value–a sense of; “I won, I got this great deal.”

– Amanda DiMarco, VP of Client Success, Veritonic

Join us as we talk about compelling offers, clear CTAs, and the urgency to act before it’s too late. And what’s fast becoming our favorite Ad Infinitum tradition, we’re breaking down top spending creative from Bed Bath & Beyond, Home Depot, Whole Foods, and Macy’s. Let’s see which ones have been naughty and nice.

  • ‘Tis the Season Of Promos 🎁– No offer, no deal. In a recent study, 76% of frequent podcast listeners expect a discount code of some kind. Knowing these expectations, how do you make sure you’re not showing up for your customers empty-handed?

  • Equal Cost ≠ Equal Value ⚖️– It pays to test different versions of the same offer. $5 off, 2 for 1, and 50% off isn’t necessarily valued the same way by customers, even if it costs the same.

  • We Crown a Champion 👑– One ad absolutely crushed the others this week, and might just have the highest score of any Ad Infinitum ad. The Four Keys? High energy, early and often brand mention, a strong CTA and a stand-out offer.

Want to finally understand why some ads instantly move your hand to your wallet and some don’t move you at all? Listen now before this episode is removed forever on December 31st. Listen to the whole episode (and complete lesson #6 of your audio ad masterclass) by clicking below. 

Bianca Gorodinsky