2024 Audio Predictions from the Fourth Estate

It’s that time of year when you don’t really know what day it is and probably haven’t worn real shoes in days (hopefully). But 2024 is right around the corner and there’s work to be done! So with one ear to the past and one to the future, we’ve assembled an unparalleled group of audio journalists and industry experts. And what’s more, they’re taking strong positions on 2024 trends that we’ll 100% hold them to (well, mostly). Back on the host microphone is Oxford Road Founder & CEO, Dan Granger with the World’s Favorite Radio Futurologist James Cridland, along with Ariel Shapiro (Lead Reporter, Hot Pod) and Skye Pillsbury, (Author of The Squeeze). We have some of the most informed and spiciest takes ever on this show.

On the docket, we have: Video Podcast – terrible term, or convenient catch-all? Rogan and Spotify – should he stay or should he go? And, whether the audio industry will feel productive pain in 2024, or just the regular kind 😬

Let’s dig in.

“To… refer to videos of podcasts as podcasts–every time that happens, a little piece of me dies.”

– Skye Pillsbury, Author of The Squeeze

  • Keeping it Simple 🧘‍♀️- The movement of the industry is towards complexity, making it a mess for brands to navigate. (See the variety of “standards” between networks) So even if calling videos of podcasts on YouTube “podcasts” breaks your brain, it’s probably better for all of us to stretch and put it under the podcast umbrella. Otherwise, the industry fragments and gets even more complex. Better that it’s held together with duct tape than not at all.

  • The End of Exclusives? 🔓- In a similar move, we haven’t seen many exclusive deals in 2023 and we think 2024 will follow. Eliminating the caveat of “only on ____” is at least one thing listeners and buyers shouldn’t have to worry about. It’s hard enough to find an audience when you can be everywhere–no need to make it harder by showing up in “only” one place (TBD what happens with Joe Rogan and Spotify).

  • No Pain, No Gain 😬- Back to those so-called standards. We think rule shifts, changes, and chaos will continue between publishers in 2024, but if and when we’re “sick and tired of being sick and tired” we might work toward something a little more cohesive in the future.

It might be another full year before we bring such a powerhouse group of industry experts together again. Soak up their wisdom while you can and listen to the full episode by clicking the link below. 

Bianca Gorodinsky