Media Roundtable: Industry Edition - November 22nd

Happy Thanksgiving Chief Audio Officers–We’ve got a lot to be thankful for, including an all new episode of Media Roundtable: Industry Edition!

Hosting our auditory feast is Oxford Road Founder & CEO, Dan Granger, with fellow Oxford Road celebrants, Jennifer Laine, Spencer Semonson, and Stew Redwine.

We’re talking brands and politics, Spotify’s surprising podcast trend report, and the quarter-trillion marketing engine. Pass the stuffing and let’s dig in.

  • Less is More? 🧐 : Cut 10 words of ad copy and boost performance. That’s what a UK report from Colourtext says, correlating smaller word count in ads with higher creative standout scores, and higher web traffic. For us, file this one under “good tip” instead of “creative silver bullet.” Trim the fat in your ads, for sure, but if they’re already lean, cut too deep and you hit bone. “Ouch!”

  • Comedy is King 🎭: Spotify released a new report showing comedy ranks #1 for podcast genres, accounting for 35% of all listening hours. Not testing comedy yet? Could be a good time to start. Comedy’s a smart performance play, due in no small part to how well the format transfers to video, and the intimate long-term relationships comedic hosts build with their audience.

  • Under the Influence 🗣️: Goldman Sachs values the Creator economy at $250B, and expects it to double in 5 years. Influencer marketing is shifting from afterthought to campaign centerpiece with agencies taking notice. Two things to keep in mind. 1. Work with people who care about bottom-of-funnel metrics to prove out ROI. 2. Invest in longer term relationships. The difference between one-off collabs and ongoing partnerships (like in podcasts) is huge.

For full servings of these stories and all the sides, dive into the full episode by clicking the link below.

Bianca Gorodinsky