Media Roundtable: How Leading Marketers Are Solving the Measurement Problem

Calling all Chief Audio Officers–it’s time for another all-new episode of the Media Roundtable: Special Edition! Leading us once again is Oxford Road Founder and CEO Dan Granger. Joining him are fellow Oxford Road Experts Miranda Romano, James Ingrassia, Jennifer Laine, and Giles Martin.

Last week in New York, Oxford Road hosted the Chief Audio Officer Measurement Forum. There were so many good takeaways that we knew we needed to share our learnings with the wider CAO community.

We’re talking Verification, Brand Safety & Suitability, and a team favorite–Attribution. Let’s get in the weeds as we distill insights from 20 or so CAOs just like you.

“The old is evaporating very slowly, and the new is trying to find its footing, but nothing is quite where it's going to land for a long period of time.”

– Dan Granger, Oxford Road Founder and CEO


  • There’s a Dashboard for That 🤓 – For Verification, we asked the CAOs, “What are your dream metrics?” and a lot of those measurements already exist–just maybe not in the most visible way. If, like many of our CAOs, you want impressions over time or audience overlap, you should be able to get that data. So, speak up! (Words to live by: “Closed analytical mouths don’t get fed.”) Getting the right pieces in place (tracking-wise) can help tease out potential cases of delivery fraud.

  • Brand Safety Grows With You 📈 – Polling our CAOs, the companies that cared more about Brand Safety & Suitability were major brands, and the ones who prioritized performance above everything else were smaller brands. It makes sense that risk appetite and Market Cap are inversely correlated, since the more brand equity you have, the more you have to lose. The best advice for everyone in the room, regardless of size? Have a plan for a media crisis before your brand is in hot water. (And if you need help making a plan, we’d love to help).

  • Attribution 🤖 – It’s a wild time for Attribution! For a while, there’s been an arms race for pixels to solve everything, and increasingly it looks like pixels will not be our Attribution panacea. There’s news of Google hiding IPs in Chrome going forward, and Facebook and Google are pushing open-source AI market mix modeling tools instead. Likewise, for our CAOs, nobody relied exclusively on their pixels for Attribution, but data points like an auto-populating post-purchase survey are immensely powerful.


If you’re feeling the FOMO and wish you could have been a part of last week’s event, you can sign up to be a part of the next one HERE. For full discussions of these topics and a whole lot more, check out the full episode by clicking the link below.

Bianca Gorodinsky