Cracking The Attribution Code - Part 2: Featuring Oxford Roadies, Giles Martin & Kyle Jelinek
On this Media Roundtable: Industry Edition, we’re back for Part 2 of our attribution deep dive (Part 1 was 🔥–catch up here).
Oxford Road CEO Dan Granger is joined by fellow Oxford Road data wonks Giles Martin and Kyle Jelinek. Now audio attribution is almost nobody’s favorite topic, but if you care about you the money you’re stewarding, attribution is huge.
At Oxford Road, we live and die by the accuracy of the results we can drive for our clients. That’s why we’re breaking down attribution so everyone can make smarter money decisions on what’s working on what’s not.
Tune in for:
Next-Level Surveys 📋- Simple meets smart with predictive text.
Time for Shade 😒- The problems of porting Time-based analysis from TV to audio.
Pixels 👾- What this purported holy grail can and can’t do (peek into the famed Jelinek method of handling un-pixeled shows)
MMM, That Sounds Good 😋- The pros and cons of Media Mix Models
Listen up, and you’ll not only stop glazing over when someone starts talking attribution, you’ll have a few back-pocket questions to ask and nerd out with fellow attribution buffs. Check out the episode by clicking the link below (use promo code INFLUENCER2 🙃).